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Saturday 18 March 2017

Shall we date?: Wizardess Heart + Vincent Knight [Walkthrough]

(*Note: The maximum on Intimacy you can get for a right answer is +7. )

Main Story

Day 1: Sunshine Smile

1.02 Special Scenario
Get a CG

1.03 I'm not suspicious. (Intimacy +7)
Well, you are a stranger …

1.06 I've never been here before … (Intimacy +7)
If I knew that …

1.08 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 A White Flower [Room] (Charm 5) - 500 Lune or 50 Coins

1.08 L-Looks like it … (Intimacy +7)
Hey, that's rude!

1.11 N-No!
M-Maybe. (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 2: Reunion

2.01 Hey, I'm not! (Intimacy +7)
I guess I am.

2.05 I'll do my best. (Intimacy +7)
What do you mean by that?

2.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points

2.09 True. (Intimacy +7) 
Not at all.

2.10 Dark
Light (Intimacy +7)

2.12 The library.[No change]
The auditorium.[No change]
The courtyard.[No change]
The botanical garden.[No change]

2.14 Yeah! (Intimacy +7)
Th-This is a little sudden … 
(Get Journal)

Day 3: Deepening Affection

3.02 I can see that. (Intimacy +7)
You can't do that!

3.04 Wind (Intimacy +7)

3.06 Leave it to me!
I'm not sure I could …  (Intimacy +7)

3.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Colorful Bride Crown [Room] (Charm +25) – 250 Coins
Normal: Yellow Hair Accessory -Double- [Room] (Charm +5) – 50 Coins or 500 Lune

3.08 It really is …
No, it isn't. (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 4: Realized Affection

4.01 I'm all right … (Intimacy +7)
Not really …

4.03 Sounds interesting.
You're getting ahead of yourself. (Intimacy +7)

4.04 Songs (Intimacy +7)

4.05 You're kind of supicious …  (Intimacy +7)
I'm …

4.07 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

4.07 Hey, that's rude! (Intimacy +7)
I bet …

4.08 I don't know … (Intimacy +7)
Probably not …

(Get Journal)

Day 5: One Way Road

5.02 You're right.
Be on my guard … ? (Intimacy +7)

5.04 A shield
A spiral
A sword
An arrow (Intimacy +7)

5.05 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,000 Magic Grade Points

5.05 Really … ? (Intimacy +7)
Wow, Vincent.

5.06 I'm fine, really.  (Intimacy +7)
Thank you.

5.08 I'll stop then.
Well, it's what I really think. (Intimacy +7)

5.09 Special Scenario
Get 3x CG

(Get Journal)

Day 6: A Fun Day Off

6.02 True … ! (Intimacy +7)
We can't do that.

6.03 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 4,000 Magic Grade Points

6.03 Check out the stalls. [No change]
Go to the magical tool shop. [No change]
Go to the treats shop. [No change]
Relax at a cafe. [No change]

6.04 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

6.04 I don't want to go home yet. (Intimacy +7)
N-No, I do!

(Get Journal)

Day 7: Love, Rebuffed

7.02 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium:  Pure Ring Pillow [Room] (Charm +40) - 400 Coins
Normal: Pretty Scrunchie [Room] (Charm +10) - 100 Coins or 3,000 Lune

7.04 I don't think I am.
Sure. (Intimacy +7)

7.05 All right …
He's not a dangerous person. (Intimacy +7)

7.06 I don't know.
Because we're close … (Intimacy +7)

7.07 Pixies (Intimacy +7)

7.09 I just need to sign it? (Intimacy +7)
Why would you bring that out … ?

7.11 There was something in my eye …  (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 8: Unbreakable Affection

8.01 Nothing.
I …  (Intimacy +7)

8.02 I can't do that. (Intimacy +7)
All right …

8.03 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 7,000 Magic Grade Points

8.04 Light 
Earth (Intimacy +7)

8.05 Elias
Vincent  (Intimacy +7)

8.06 I'm sorry. (Intimacy +7)
I can't forgive you.

8.09 I don't know …
Because he's important to me! (Intimacy +7)

8.10 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

(Get Journal)

Day 9: Shadow and Light

9.01 Yeah, it was.
No, it wasn't. (Intimacy +7)

9.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 9,500 Magic Grade Points

9.05 The botanical garden. (Intimacy +7)
The empty classroom.
The courtyard.
The great staircase.

9.07 It's complicated.
I was looking for you. (Intimacy +7)

9.09 I don't need your help.
Thank you. (Intimacy +7)

9.10 I'd love that. (Intimacy +7)
No way.

(Get Journal)

Day 10: Pursuit!

10.02 I'm sorry … (Intimacy +7)
B-But … 

10.03 That's pretty handy. (Intimacy +7)
You don't trust me?

10.03 Special Scenario
Get 3x CG

10.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 11,250 Magic Grade Points

10.04 All right.
I don't want to! (Intimacy +7)

10.08 Okay.
I'll miss you … (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 11 - Part 1: Respite

11(1).01 But … (Intimacy +7)
I guess I could go with you.

11(1).02 I'd prefer something else.
I'm fine with old maid. (Intimacy +7)

11(1).03 Pick the far right one.
Pick the far left one. (Intimacy +7)

11(1).07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 Premium: Magical Corridor [Garden] – 800 Coins
The Door of Truth [Garden] – 400 Coins or 8,000 Lune

11(1).08 The blue door. [No change]
The green door. [No change]
The red door. [No change]
The yellow door. [No change]

(Get Journal)

Day 11 - Part 2: The Door of Truth

11(2).01 The first door. [No change]
The second door. [No change] 

11(2).02 The third door. [No change]
The fourth door. [No change]

11(2).03 The fifth door. [No change]
The sixth door. [No change]

11(2).04 White [No change] 
Black [No change]

11(2).06 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 14,500 Magic Grade Points

11(2).07 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

11(2).07 I'm coming with you. (Intimacy +7)
All right...

11(2).08 But...  (Intimacy +7)
You're right...
(Get Journal)

Day 11 - Part 3: The Seed of Life

11(3).04 Special Scenario
Get a CG

11(3).06 To what?
Wait, you can't mean … (Intimacy +7)

11(3).07 I'll do it! (Intimacy +7)
What should I do … ?

11(3).08 Thank goodness … 
Liar! (Intimacy +7)

11(3).11 I am! (Intimacy +7)
I'm not sure …

(Get Journal)

Day 12: Towards a New Dream

12.02 Nothing … (Intimacy +7)
It's about time we … 

12.05 But … 
Then don't send me home! (Intimacy +7)

12.06 Actually ...
He didn't ... (Intimacy +7)

12.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 Premium: Short Front Lace Wedding Dress [Room] – 1,000 Coins
Normal: Yellow Pretty Dress [Room] – 500 Coins or 10,000 Lune

Happy End:
Need 338+ Intimacy
Get 3x CG

Normal End:
Need 225-338 Intimacy
Get 2x CG

Unhappy End:
Need 0-225 Intimacy

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